Mags,patches,gearbox,grip,stocks,pouches,rails,iron sights,bdu pants
All prices are shipped can make a deal if you buy multiple items!!!
1: S&T m4 gearbox $20
2: m4 flashmags $10each or $18 for both
3: m4 g&g hi-cap mag $8
4: m4 g&g hi-cap mag $5
5: lancer tactical stock and buffer tube $10
6: Caa stock and buffer tube $10
7: g&g stock and buffer tube $10
8: triple molle 5.56 mag pouch $10
9: onetigris drop pouch $10
10: g&g 12.5” rail $25
11: matrix iron sights !SOLD!
12: Caa grip $7
13: red speedqb patch $5
14: Kermit speedqb patch $5
15: scope protector $5
16: try-spec 24/7 tan bdu pants size:36x34 $40
17: f Biden patch $5