Cubano Cortes II (2) Medium Black Russian Plate Carrier by R-Karbid
-WTS- (BRAND NEW CONDITION, NEVER USED ONCE) Russian manufactured “Cubano Cortes II” plate carrier by R-Karbid, this is a made to order item, it comes in black and is built to fit medium SAPI/ESAPI cut plates. This is a very high quality real steel plate carrier that is very comfortable made to be able to “breathe” with the operator, included are the updated cushions for the shoulder pads, as well as the emergency quick release handle built into the front of the vest for quickly removing the carrier in the event of an emergency. This vest is brand new, never fielded only tried it on once, I simply put pouches on it then decided I wanted something else. I waited over 2 months for Russian ground shipping to drive it through Russia, to Poland, through Germany and finally here. Extremely comfortable with multi curve plates (I tried it on with the Team Wendy training plates) however it actually feels very nice with single curve plates as well. It’s kosher and used by real forces, it’s just not my type. (Pouches and patches not included, however I will include the 3x double magazine pouches made by SRVV and the radio pouch also made by R-Karbid for extra cost) All pieces including the pouches are made in Russia, and are made to a very high quality. Asking price is 170 (a bit less than what I paid) out of convenience and some shipping coverage out of RU. This is a made to order item, R-Karbid is currently down for new management and moving locations, lead time on production will take a couple of months not including international shipping, this carrier is brand new, never used once and is fitted for Medium ESAPI/SAPI cut plates. (SRVV MEDICAL POUCH/SUPPLIES AND PATCHES NOT INCLUDED)
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