VFC MK18 Bundle
Looking to sell my never fielded VFC MK18 setup. I have my first baby coming in February and I don't see myself having time to actually get out and give airsoft a try since I already have too many hobbies. The only time I've shot the gun was to test it out inside or in my backyard. $500 shipped Item List: * VFC MK18 * Replica Surefire RC2 Suppressor * Titan Power 7.4v 2600mAh * Titan Power Digital Charger * Avengers 120rd Mid-Cap (4) * Matrix 6mm BBs .20g (9500ish) * EMG Dummy SAPI Plates 9”x12” * 6mm 500 rd speed loader * ASG Ultimate Boost 40K Motor (Long Type) * Elite Force Kill Rag * Elite Force 6mm BBs .28g (5000)
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