Here I have a custom ARP-9 that I built a while back that has just sat and collected dust on my wall.
It has stock ARP-9 internals with a flat hopped prowin hopup unit and 6.03 Tight bore Barrel. Because of the ARP-9 Gearbox and high torque motor this thing is quite snappy. Furthermore the G&G ETU allows 3 round burst capabilities.
Included is...
-The gun
-2 Midcap Magazines
-1 9.6v NiMh Battery
-1 Extra crane stock to fit 9.6v battery
This can fit a lipo in the buffer tube to be able to use the MFT stock but a crane stock is included in order to use the included battery.
Asking 250 + shipping (Like $20)
But Im willing to negotiate