Russian designed Reversible/Double-sided sniper suit design for Spring and Autumn in a modern variation of SS Leto pattern. Made by Sposn (AKA: SSO).
Multiple loops on the backside of the suit tunic to insert branches/twigs for camouflage. The material is thick, hence; best used as the weather cools (Autumn and early Spring), but it’ll do great in the winter. Again, this is NOT a suit for summertime.
This is a large size. 56/58 - 188. Perfect for anyone close to 6’tall or taller and with a little more meat than the average person.
Asking $150 and no additional cost for shipping.
Only interested in Russian and/or Kalashnikov models (Real Sword, E&L, NPOAEG, 9x39) regarding trades, if that’s your intent.