G&G MP5SD & G&G GTP9 looking for GHK M4 v2 or anykind of GBBR
Looking for GBB like GHK v2 or anykind, AEG too, just shoot me an offer of any kind i dont mind
G&G MP5SD - total was $450
* Previous owner did some upgrade but failed to mention, all i know is he changed the mosfet to a better one, by the looks of it its an ETC mosfet, i open it today and its appear to be stock internal, and i re-lube and clean the internal
* I replaced all of the plastic/polymer part (upper receiver and UMP style stock) with a metal upper and a collapsable stock, and bought a new supperssor since it didnt came with one
* Comes with 4 plastic mags and a original plastic upper and a repro Eotech XPS with markings
G&G GTP9 - total was $200
* Upper painted gold
* Never field only backyard testing
* 1 original mag, no leak
PTS Magpul MOE
* Original PTS Magpul MOE rail back in the day
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