Various Hand Guards!
Have a large collection of handguards of various lengths and styles. All like new or new condition. Free shipping!! Reference from top to bottom 1-10. Ruler in middle for reference on length. 1- $150 (salient arms $180 on Evike) 2 - $60 3 - $50 4 - $75 (MADBULL Noveske NSR $96 on Evike) 5 - $65 (madbull NSR $87 on Evike) 6 - $55 (madbull NSR $78 on Evike) 7 - $45 (madbull NSR $69 on Evike) SOLD! 8 - $45 (alternate style madbull NSR) 9 - $45 (madbull NSR) 10 - $65 (alternate style madbull NSR) Prices are tentative so make me an offer on whichever you want! Or if you wanted them all for some reason id let them go for $350, but I’d take offers on that as well!
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