KWA MP7, the ONLY trade is listed below. Also not parting the mags or anything else. Internals: -601 barrel -v type bucking All else stock Comes with: -x8 non leak mags -T1 -pig amplifier -two position stock -rep magpul sling mount -magpul MS3 CB (not pictured) The absolute only trade I’ll consider is a real EOTech EXPS 2 or 3 or real MK18 rail in FDE. I’m still kinda not sure if I wanna get rid of it, still love it just wanna finish getting what I want for my AR. Will negotiate but won’t accept low balls am perfectly fine with keeping it. But am willing to work with you too. HMU for a shooting video if needed. Also can easily remove the 07 all over the gun per request for serious buyers.
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