WTB: TM M870 / 870 Gas Shotguns: KSG, Marushin, Scattergun, ETC.
I am always searching for TM M870 full-size, breacher, custom/cut down and parts guns. HPA is good, original propane/134a is good, stock kits are good, OEM parts are fine, I’m interested in all of it. THIS IS A WILLING TO BUY POST. IN THE WILLING TO BUY SECTION. I’m also interested in mag-well adapters, stocks, handguards, and 870 parts of ALL kinds. Also interested in KSG parts, tanks, etc. I will also consider sub-$100 Jag Scatterguns. I don’t care how much you think it’s worth you can get these all day long from Octagon Airsoft for $105 landed so no I will not pay $150 for yours. Top selling points for me are: 1) G&P gas stock. *Priority* 2) extended shell tubes. 3) WiiTech/SAT loading plates 4) under $200/in that range. 5) Salamander Masterkey kit. *Priority* 6) Broken or in pieces, for a low price. LOW PRIORITY BUT WILL STILL CONSIDER: 1) Full stock TM 870 Tactical with cut down outer barrel. 2) Jag scatterguns for more than $70. HOWEVER. No. I will not pay $500 for your custom breacher. Nor will I pay $700 for your M870 tac with an Angry Gun stock. Because even though it may have cost that much to build it, that’s not what it’s worth. Let’s be reasonable on prices or swap requests and provide actual reasons for asking $350 or offering $200 besides “it’s a TM shotgun it cost $350 and iz a b3ast on teh field Uber rare” I CANNOT AFFORD EVERY GUN. Sorry but I’m not made of money so sometimes I do have to turn them down. Keep it civil when I respectfully decline to purchase an item. Shoot me a message with what you have, pics, price, swap items, etc! Thanks guys! I will also build and sell M870’s for you! Send me a message describing what you’re looking for as far as style goes, and price range and we can try to work something out!
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