Got secondhand here's its notable features
-Original fracture prone ambi-gearbox has been swapped for a G&G heavy-duty FNC shell (Ya know, once it broke). This means no ambi-selector (though all selector equipment is included in case you want to get a G&G ambi shell and swap it back.
-Comes with weird waffle mag
-Missing bolt catch (if you've handled the G&G AK5C you know how that went missing).
-Notable upgrades include;
-Prometheus High-Speed gearset
-GATE NanoASR mosfet
-H-nub and Black Python (363) thrown in
-Handguard has been slightly filed down to allow for the mounting of a M320/M203
-Shaved down retaining stock screw so it no longer pulls your gearbox out of alignment
Two-pin wire cut so mosfet needs that wire replaced. Pictures can be requested.
Very slight wiggle on handguard. Could probably be fixed through some tape on the outer barrel where handguard clamps on. Bolt handle snapped but will be included, perhaps some jb weld can help with that. Doesn't affect performance.
290obo + shipping
Willing to swap for upgraded hi capas or hi-capa parts or smgs/pdr