WTS ALOT OF GUNS read below.
Make me offers and ask me for prices. Want to sell almost everything. Im willing to trade for a Tokyo Marui recoil shock or rare / super built stuff or cool things, preferably a tm416, tm/vfc417 or something similar. Message me for parts lists and details on anything. I don’t really want to get rid of the g28, m27 iar and vector! Really want to trade for limited edition hk guns. -kwa km4a1 -kwc g19 -a&k m249 saw with Wolverine inferno gen 2 with extra a&k m249 saw aeg that’s non working and is for parts for the hpa saw or can sell separately to be fixed up. -retro arms ssg build -classic army kc89 ak build -Krytac lvoa s mk2 -boneyard Tokyo Marui augs Thanks for reading, cheers.
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