Why buy a Flamethrower when you can buy a regular ass M4?!
Cyma is Bae here with an important message; Screw paying $1350 for something you can barely use on anything except bonfires or to commit arson. Pay me $200 and get this 15 year old vintage CA M4 CQB. And SAVE $1,100!!! Your wife won’t kill you, and if you don’t have a wife you’ll be able to afford that exceptionally high class gearbox Will Keller is selling, the absolute madman. AND THEN YOUD STILL HAVE $400 LEFT TO BUY A KRISS VECTOR OR SOMETHING IDK, you’re a consumer. The damn choice is yours. If you want to set stuff on fire buy that trashy speedsofters dubstep album he tries to sell you every day in the lobby of your local arena and play it during a game.
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