Why can’t I delete my posts?? Since I can’t take it down here is why it isn’t for sale:
The gun is currently up for raffle. A family member, a fellow airsofter as well, was severely injured in a car accident and I am trying to raise money to help them out. Rather than a go fund me I figured why not give to both sides, 1 winner and money for the family for expenses. If you are interested, each spot is $20 or 6 for $100. You can buy as many spots as you wish. You can also check out all the details on my buisness’ instagram page @gungrips.
The gun is brand new, only disassembled for cerakoting and put back together. It is a WE G19 Tactical, comes in the original box and has never been fired. The winner gets the gun shipped to them for free USPS priority mail. The only catch is they have to be in the US.