I'm more wanting to trade for a jack system or a nice krytac or anything nice no junk!7075 cnc 8mm gearbox, 6065 cnc half tooth piston, Zci double oring piston head, m120 spring, ballbearing spring guide, Sharpshooters 100:200 torque gears, Modify v2 anti reverse latch, SHS v2 spring kit, Modify 8mm ceramic ball bearings, zci oring M4 cnc nozzle, Zci double oring cylinder cnc cylinder head, Zci stainless steel cylinder, Custom trigger work, TKNW mosfet to deans, SHS high torque motor, SHS m4 hopup custom shimmed, PPS shock transfer unit, Madbull blue bucking, Zci 6.02 509mm tb barrel, and Custom designed barrel stablizers into suppressor. FPS: 450 - 453