Upgrades: Re-shim,Re-grease,full metal rack piston, steel 300mm tbb (unsure of diameter),wired to deans,and a Nukefet mosfet.
FPS is ~325 with a .25
ROF is about 13 RPS on a 7.4v lipo,but will increase when using an 11.1v battery.
Range is ~200'
Price is shipped
Trades: functioning peq-15,mk18 rail,MK18 accessories,G&P dbal, Acog with RMR,under barrel grenade launcher with grenades, multicam pouches (looking for a minimap and saw pouches),para stock for an m249, short outer barrel for an m249,EI 200rd saw pouches in CB,a PKM,tac Taylor 40mm bandolier CB,kwa m9 WITH RAIL and extra magazines.