In the spring of 1968, the 320th Division of the North Vietnamese Army was preparing for a May offensive that intended to push as far south of the De-militarized Zone as they could and had its sights set on Dong Ha Air Base located 12 miles south of the DMZ. This series of actions collectively became known as the Battle of Dong Ha.
Intelligence suggests a division sized force comprised of North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong are advancing south in the direction of Dong Ha Air Base threatening to sever American supply and local trade routes both by land and river.
To maintain tactical control of Dong Ha Air Base & LZ Red Devil and to provide security, fire support & mine clearing operations along Hwy 1 and Hwy 9 & at the mouth of the Cura Viet river.
The entirety of the command will immediately prepare to support base defense operations. All units will look towards their respective command for specific assignments.
Administration & Logistics:
Base operations will be restricted to close in patrol and defensive positions or operations involving FAC, reconnaissance and communications. Close in air support will be provided by Marine Air Support Squadron 2 & coordinated by the MASS-2 Direct Air Support Center.
3rd Combat Engineer Battalion will staff sappers for road & trail clearing. 3rd Reconnaissance & elements of ST-2 will provide recon & intel. Resupply of material & personnel will be addressed by individual unit command. FAC operations will be handled through Direct Air Support Command communications net.
Command & Signal:
Operational control of Dong Ha Air Base will be assigned to senior staff officers from 3/3 & 2/4. To preserve operational security, frequencies and call signs will be determined by MASS-2 DASC staff at time of pre-deployment of all elements.
Early arrival is available for pre-set for players Thursday July 31st after 1000hrs. There will be a before game meet & greet on Thursday afternoon with BBQ & live music. Bring something to throw on the barbie.
Scenario commences Friday August 1st at 0900 and continues to 0900 Sunday August 3rd-with player consensus.
Follow "RUNG SAT" signs from Route 119 to parking lot on property. 1st 25 spaces will be able to park in close to front gate- look for the flag- at 15.5 Fieldstone Lane, Rindge New Hampshire. All others will be directed to overflow parking also on property but further away by staff & provided transportation into the AO of Dong Ha Air Base.
There are services available off site of various types with 15 minutes-ie: ATMs, fuel, dept store, grocery stores, hospitals & emergency services.
All participants must be off field by 1600 Sunday August 3rd.
Participants of almost all ages welcome, under 15 not permitted, between ages 16-18 with parental/ guardian consent statement provided by player at time of gate registration.
You MUST have at least ANSI Z87 / full seal eye protection & if under 21, full face/ or combined upper lower protection during all times of game play.